5 tips for setting and smashing goals
At the beginning of 2020 I decided to set myself a few goals in my business and personally. 
Personally, I decided to get fit. When I was younger, I used to be sports mad. In my 20s, I was a little bit besotted with the gym. In my 30s, I got fat and lazy. This year I decided not only was I going to get healthy again I was also going to smash a goal that would remind me I'm alive. 
I signed up for and was given a place for the London 2020 Triathlon! Yep. Everyone I told had a similar response. "WTF are you on now?". Long story short, with my health issues, I shouldn't be able to do things like Marathons, Mountains, and Tough Mudders but I've smashed them all so far. I plan to smash the Triathlon too. Well, finish at least. I'm not going to be setting any world records, that's for sure! I'm cool with that. 
Business wise, I had a target in my head that I would increase my client base by a new client every quarter. I'd then take a new team member on in June and grow the business again. Well that all messed up when I had my busiest January on record, have taken on 3 new clients in the last week and have already asked someone to join #TeamHippo. They said yes and she'll be starting in March! ARGHHHHH!! 
So, how do I set my goals, how do I work towards them and how do I smash them? 
1. Set goals for the future but work in the now. 
Set a big goal for the future but focus on the daily steps that you need to do to achieve it. You may want to increase your business by 20% in the next year. Worrying about the 20% isn't going to help. What you need to focus on is the processes, systems and tasks it's going to take to get you there. Will you need a business overhaul? Will you need to make more sales? Will you need to take on more staff? Will you need to give yourself a break so your brain can rest and work at optimum speed when needed? 
Working on the tasks in the now will slowly turn you towards your targets. The end goal needs to stay in the back of your brain but it's not what you need to focus on. 
2. Be flexible 
When setting goals always make sure that you're pushing boundaries. There is no point setting a goal that you've smashed before. You'll not move forward staying in your comfort goals box! 
Set a goal that you know is within reach if you work hard enough but that isn't quite in reach now. For example, this time last year I needed a team member, but it felt so "out there". I worked so hard and it never happened. I didn't beat myself up because the work I'd put in set me up for a flying start and I'm now set to take on my new team member in March this year and not June as originally planned. 
I didn't hit my target in the timescale I'd originally given myself but I've done it now. 
3. Be realistic 
I always shake my head when people set goals that are just not realistic. We'd all love that £1m company, wouldn't we? But do you know how much hard work and time that takes on average? LOTS. So why not give yourself a target of a million pounds but set over a growth span of 10 years continuous growth? 
You'll take the subconscious stress off your shoulders and it doesn't mean that you won't reach the £1m mark in less time but you'll reduce the stress of getting there. 
4. Be Ready 
Are you ready? As in really really really ready? We all want to 'lose a few pounds' but if your head and heart aren't ready to stay strong and get the work done, eat healthily, and do some exercise then it just isn't going to end well. You'll be eating Pringles again by Wednesday. 
Same with business. If you're not ready for growth, hard work and getting stuck in for the long game, it's just not worth starting yet. Wait for everything to click. Get in the right headspace. Give yourself a break and 'start again'. You're better off building your success on solid foundations. 
5. Purge 
Cut out everyone in your life that causes you stress, anxiety or brings negativity into your life on a day to day or general basis. No one got time for that! Clean your house, your workspace and everything in your life. Chuck things away, donate them to charity, just start from scratch. It's been proven to help people with Depression too. When you're looking to build up, you don't want to have to worry about all the stuff lurking in your closets. Get rid of it now. You'll thank yourself for it later! 
As always, I'm here if you have any questions or need any more tips! 
Until next time, 
Dee x 
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