Do-cember - Let's get things DONE!

It's Do-cember!!! 

December tends to be the time when businesses and people in general, start to wind down, with this year I definitely mean the term generally! 
Christmas is coming, the season where we would normally turn off, swap business meetings for meeting friends and overindulge as much as our bodies can withstand. Some of you will still be doing this, just don’t forget to wear a mask and buy a scotch egg if you’re out at the pub!  
It’s also a time of incredible stress, thinking about presents, money worries, worrying about work and what the new year has in store, ESPECIALLY after the year we’ve just conquered! 
Having spent 15+ years managing in service, Mikey has no interest in Christmas, it just reminds him of angry customers (yup Christmas spirit is a fiction, no time off and THAT song on repeat on the radio...) So, he is always fascinated that people get so worked up by it, it’s a work day that most people get off for free. 
So, how can we stop ourselves from becoming scrooges, especially on a day everyone should be happy? 

That’s why here at The Pod we insist on turning December into DOcember! 

What can you do to #BeMoreHippo this month instead? 
Mike says to everyone “panicking about something that hasn’t happened yet, makes you suffer a nightmare that might not even happen and invites it to.” 
In order to #BeMoreHippo you're going to need to give yourself a kick up the rump to give you a chance to turn off and just relax for once, which is easier than you think. It just takes a bit of planning, don’t be scared. 
For the first time ever I’m (along with the rest of The Pod) will be downing tools from end of day on 18th December 2020 and we won’t be coming back until 4th January 2021. 
I will obviously be available to receive presents though, usual address. Please don’t turn up uninvited though. I like presents, not people 😉 
So, what little steps can we take to reduce anxiety for turkey season? Her's some little bitesize Hippo-Tips to help! 

Inbox ZERO 

Make sure you have completed all work that needs to be before you shut off, we always recommend getting any projects sorted a week earlier than closing time, that way you can just deal with enquiries and routine tasks etc until it’s party time. It just helps remove that niggling in the back of your mind. 

Purge everything 

In case you haven't read it please click here! If you’ve spoken to me about work you’ll know I love a good purge, if you don’t know me then blog has been linked to. You’re welcome. Simply put – TIDY EVERYTHING! Tidy workspace = tidy 

Organise the office 

Once you’ve purged your work and computer, you can now target the physical space. There is nothing worse that coming back to the office after a day off let alone all Christmas, and there being paper everywhere and crumbs from that last mince pie you ate. Have all that lovely clean space set up so you’re ready to hit the ground running. No mess = No fuss. 

Plan Plan Plan! 

Plan the start of your new year – We don’t mean new year’s, think of simply the first week; what will you need catch up on systematically? What new work could you expect? What start of the quarter extras will be required? Ease yourself in and prioritise before it happens. Don’t fill up the first week with business meetings if you can help it. And for the love of hippos don’t book client conversations in for the first day back. You’ll need that day to acclimatise and empty your inbox. 
Do your 3month, 6month and 1 year business plan so you know exactly what you need to do in 2021. If you haven’t already got a game plan then you’re welcome to book in for a #HippoHour call, it’s much easier to reach your desired destination on time, if you plan how to get there. 
2020 was a one off and by no means are we saying we’ve soared through it, at times the opposite. Everyone has had their struggles I’m sure, but we should forgive ourselves for what was the strangest year in our lifetimes. You should only look back when reversing, so let’s look forward to a kick arse 2021! 
I want you to be part of my pod. I want us all to #BeMoreHippo. 
So, who’s with me? 
Until next time, 
Dee x 
Tagged as: Business, Life, Mental Health
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