Sick dog, thermometer in his mouth, ice pack on head.
It's Monday morning. 
The alarm goes off at 6:30am. 
All is fine in the world. Apart from it being 6:30am and I'm awake. 
2 hours go past and I start to feel ill. Really ill. The kind of ill you feel when you know you're about to be sucker punched in the fact by a migraine. The blurred vision, tension behind the eye, nausea. 
Luckily for me, I'll already ahead of the game because I purge and plan at the weekend. 
After doing a few things (including writing this blog), I'm going back to bed. No longer will I risk my long term health to get work done that can wait. 
Think about that sentence for a second. "No longer will I risk my long term health to get work done that can wait." 
When was the last time that you gave yourself a break when you were ill? 
If you "can't take time off" to be ill then you may have a problem within your business and mindset. 
Believe me when I say there is nothing more important than you. 
Please look after you. Even Hippos have a rest. 
Until next time, 
Dee x 
Tagged as: Life, Wellbeing
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